Free DNS Apex to www-subdomain Redirection Service

Effortlessly redirect your apex domain to your www-subdomain with ApexToWWW, supporting both HTTP and HTTPS and both IPv4 and IPv6.

Get Started


Simple Setup

Set up your A and AAAA DNS records in minutes.

Free to Use

Our service is completely free with no hidden costs.

SSL/TLS Support

Works seamlessly with both HTTP and HTTPS as we request a certificate for you from Let's Encrypt or ZeroSSL in the background.

HTTP/1.X, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 Support

All HTTP standards are supported including HTTP/3.

IPv4 and IPv6

Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 client addresses.

Fast Response Times

Our service is implemented in Go and runs on fast and energy-efficient ARM64 CPUs from Ampere.

Developed and Operated with Care

Our service runs on green energy from wind and hydropower.

Get Started

  1. Set Up DNS Records: Set up the following DNS records for your domain:
    • A Record:
    • AAAA Record: 2a01:4f9:c012:a304::1
  2. Done: Your Apex domain now seamlessly redirects to your www subdomain.

Test Your Configuration

To verify that your Apex domain is correctly redirecting to your www subdomain, you can use the following curl commands:


curl -I http://yourdomain.com


curl -I https://yourdomain.com

You should see a response similar to the following, indicating that the redirection is working correctly:

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://www.yourdomain.com/

If you see the Location header pointing to your www subdomain, the configuration is successful.

The Apex Domain Problem

An Apex domain, also known as a naked domain, is a domain without the "www" prefix. For example, example.com is an Apex domain, while www.example.com is a subdomain.

Many modern web hosting services, such as GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel, Heroku, Surge.sh, Render, and Firebase Hosting, often require websites to be served from a subdomain like www.example.com. This requirement arises due to several technical limitations and best practices:

  • Load Balancing: Hosting providers use multiple servers to handle traffic efficiently. Apex domains complicate this setup because DNS specifications allow only one A record for an Apex domain, pointing to a single IP address. In contrast, a subdomain can use a CNAME record to point to another domain, which can then be load-balanced across multiple IP addresses.
  • DNS Management: Subdomains can leverage CNAME records to point to other domains, simplifying DNS management. For Apex domains, only A or AAAA records are allowed, limiting flexibility.
  • Service Compatibility: Many CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) and cloud services are optimized to work with subdomains, providing better performance, reliability, and scalability.

ApexToWWW provides a simple and free solution to this common issue by allowing users to set up A and AAAA DNS records for their Apex domain and redirecting traffic seamlessly to the www subdomain. This ensures compatibility with modern hosting services while maintaining the use of the naked domain.

By using ApexToWWW, users can ensure their Apex domains are compatible with modern web hosting services, leveraging the benefits of load balancing, DNS management, and service compatibility.

Services Requiring Subdomain

  • GitHub Pages
  • Netlify
  • Vercel
  • Heroku
  • Surge.sh
  • Render
  • Firebase Hosting

Domain Redirection Services Comparison

Feature apextowww.com wwwizer.com
Service Type Free domain redirection Free domain redirection
SSL Support Native Supported Not supported natively
Redirection Type 301 Permanent Redirect 301 Permanent Redirect
Setup Complexity Easy to set up Easy to set up
DNS Record Type A/AAAA record setup A record setup
Automatic HTTPS Redirection Supported Not Supported
IPv6 Support Supported Not Supported
HTTP/3 Support Supported Not Supported

apextowww.com FAQ

What does Apextowww.com do?

Apextowww.com is a free service that automatically redirects traffic from your apex (naked) domain, like example.com, to the www subdomain, such as www.example.com. This ensures consistent access to your website under a single URL structure, improving SEO rankings and providing a unified user experience.

How does the redirect work on a low level?

Apextowww.com uses DNS settings to point your apex domain to their server. The server then sends a 301 redirect response, instructing browsers to navigate to the www version of your domain, ensuring a seamless user experience.

How do I set up a redirection using Apextowww.com?

Update your DNS records to point your apex domain to Apextowww.com's IP address, typically involving setting an A or ALIAS record. Ensure changes propagate correctly, and your domain will redirect to the www version.

Does Apextowww.com support HTTPS?

Yes, Apextowww.com supports HTTPS redirection. You must have an SSL certificate configured for your www domain to ensure secure connections.

Can I use Apextowww.com with IPv6?

Yes, Apextowww.com supports IPv6, allowing you to handle requests from IPv6 addresses effectively.

Is HTTP/3 supported by Apextowww.com?

Yes, Apextowww.com supports HTTP/3, providing faster and more efficient connections by utilizing the latest web protocol technologies.

How much traffic can Apextowww.com handle?

Apextowww.com is designed to handle light to moderate traffic. For websites with extremely high traffic demands, additional solutions may be beneficial.

Is there any cost associated with using Apextowww.com?

Apextowww.com offers its redirection services for free. Users are responsible for any costs related to domain registration or SSL certificates.

What happens if Apextowww.com is down?

As with any third-party service, downtime is possible. It is recommended to have backup plans or alternative methods to mitigate disruptions.

Can I customize the redirection rules?

Apextowww.com provides basic redirection capabilities. For more complex needs, server-side configurations or feature-rich services may be required.

Who is the target audience for Apextowww.com?

Apextowww.com is ideal for small to medium-sized websites that require simple redirection from apex to www domains.

How does Apextowww.com impact SEO?

Redirecting traffic to a single URL prevents duplicate content issues and improves search engine rankings by consolidating link equity to a single domain.

What are the benefits of using Apextowww.com?

Benefits include improved SEO, simplified management, and a unified user experience through consistent domain usage.

What are the limitations of Apextowww.com?

Limitations include reliance on a third-party service and lack of advanced customization options for redirection rules.

How do I verify that the redirection is working correctly?

Use browser tools or online services to check the HTTP response status and ensure the redirect functions as expected.

Can Apextowww.com be used with other subdomains?

The service is specifically focused on redirecting the apex domain to the www version, not other subdomains.

What happens if I change my domain hosting provider?

You should update DNS records accordingly to ensure redirection continues to work if you change hosting providers.

What inspired the creation of Apextowww.com?

After using wwwizer.com's redirect service for many years, the limitations in supporting modern web technologies became apparent. Specifically, the lack of HTTPS support, IPv6 compatibility, and the absence of HTTP/3 support led to the development of Apextowww.com. This service is designed to integrate seamlessly with the latest technologies, offering users native support for secure HTTPS connections, efficient handling of IPv6 traffic, and the speed and reliability of HTTP/3.

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